The first three pictures below are of the backglass. It was in excellent shape with no flaking or peeling. The only blemish is the scratch just under the nose of the Jack. The fourth picture is of the new heavy-duty cord I installed on the game.
The two pictures below show the internal lockdown bar mechanism before and after restoring it. As is typical on these old games, it was very rusty. I soaked it in Lightning Rust Remover to remove the rust. Then I sanded it with a wire wheel. Lastly, I painted it with a chrome paint.
This is the glass retainer that holds the playfield glass at the neck of the game. It was also very rusty and got the same treatment as the lockdown assembly.
The three pictures below are of the neck area. I usually paint the metal grill black. The neck area on this game I also painted black. On some games the neck area is the same color as the base color of the cabinet but that wasn't the case on this game.
The picture below shows the legs after being repainted. I used a gun metal gray that you can find at most automotive stores.
The three pics below show the progression of the backside of the cabinet (before, stripped, and painted).